Supply chain strategy and outsourcing the case of the Greek pharmaceutical sector


  • George Malindretos
  • Socrates Moschuris


Outsourcing, Supply, Modern Research Methodology (MRM), Methodology Interdisciplinary Action Framework (MIAF), Supply Chain Strategy (SCS), Closed Loop Supply Chain Management (CLSCM), Reverse Logistics (RL), Enhanced Supply Chain Strategy (ESCS), Pharmaceutical Sector (PS), Outsourcing (3PL)


Scope – to support the introduction and effective implementation of modern supply chain strategy (SCS) in the Greek pharmaceutical sector. Research methodology – A threefold analysis in combination: first, an integrated analysis
aiming at contribution to the methodology issue by an interdisciplinary research framework; second, clearing-up the role of SCS in building-up a performing supply chain network; third, an empirical study of the Greek pharmaceutical sector using mixed research methodology, with special attention to logistics outsourcing (3PL). Main findings – An attempt to contribute in the yet unsettled research methodology which has particular importance for the pharmaceutical sector dominated by SMEs; identification of possibilities of collective action to succeed; sustainable competitive advantage in a designed stepwise
process. Future study – Specific future research suggestions expected to support the sustainability of Greek pharmaceutical companies.

JEL Classification: L65




How to Cite

Malindretos, G., & Moschuris, S. (2008). Supply chain strategy and outsourcing the case of the Greek pharmaceutical sector. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 58(3-4), 56–79. Retrieved from