Quality of cost accounting information: Assessing the impact of using cost accounting data and being a cost oriented enterprise


  • Odysseas Pavlatos
  • Ioannis Pagios


Quality cost data, costing systems, cost accounting, hotels, Greece


The purpose of this essay is to examine the quality of cost accounting information that is provided by costing systems as well as the perceptions of associated top management. To this end the results of a survey conducted in a sample of 100 Greek hotels are presented. The analysis of the gathered data led us to the conclusion that the majority of hotels’ costing systems do not provide qualitative cost data. Top management perceptions that associate positively with the provision of cost accounting data pointed out the usefulness of such information in the process of decision making, budgeting, control, performance evaluation of business actions and cost orientation.

JEL Classification: M41




How to Cite

Pavlatos, O., & Pagios, I. (2009). Quality of cost accounting information: Assessing the impact of using cost accounting data and being a cost oriented enterprise. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 59(3-4), 145–172. Retrieved from http://spoudai.org/index.php/journal/article/view/303