An empirical investigation on the liquidity effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates


  • Φώτιος Σιώκης
  • Salih Neftci


Liquidity (Economics), Equilibrium (Economics), Economic policy, Monetary policy


This paper examines recent work on the identification of monetary policy disturbances and the effect on the interest rates and exchange rate. A method of identifying monetary policy using non borrowed reserves is proposed. Under this specification, policy has strong persistent liquidity effects in interest and exchange rates. The fluctuation of the liquidity level impacts the level of the interest rates and spills over to the asset prices and to the foreign exchange market.

JEL Classification: E51, F41, G1




How to Cite

Σιώκης Φ., & Neftci, S. (2000). An empirical investigation on the liquidity effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 50(3-4), 73–105. Retrieved from