The demand for money in Greece: evidence through a shopping-time technology model and cointegration


  • Νικόλαος Ε. Απέργης
  • Χ. Καρπέτης
  • Α. Κωτσιοπούλου
  • Ε. Μιτακίδου
  • Θ. Τσιακίρη


Money, Money supply, Demand of money, Greece


The objective of this paper is to estimate a long-run version of money demand in Greece through
cointegration tests and over the period 1978-1995. The feature that distinguishes this paper from the
conventional ad-hoc money demand models is that the money demand function is derived through a
shopping-time technology which seems the proper approach when the reason for holding money balances
is the motive of minimizing the transactions costs.




How to Cite

Απέργης Ν. Ε., Καρπέτης Χ., Κωτσιοπούλου Α., Μιτακίδου Ε., & Τσιακίρη Θ. (1999). The demand for money in Greece: evidence through a shopping-time technology model and cointegration. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 49(1-4), 33–45. Retrieved from