Προδρομική διόρθωση μηνιαίων δεδομένων σε δεδομένα μηνών ίσης διάρκειας


  • Γιάννης Δημολιάτης
  • Σωκράτης Μπαλτζής
  • Βασίλειος Κατσουγιαννόπουλος


Economic statistics, Demography


The conventional division of the calendar year in 12 months of unequal duration, 31, 30 and 28 (or
29) days, inserts into time-series of monthly data conventional seasonal variations (CSV), which disfigure
the true seasonal pattern. There are different methods of retrospective adjustment of the already published
monthly data in data of equal durated months. This present study proposes a new, accurate, simple and
easy applicated method of prospective data adjustment, directly from the Statistical Services, so to be
published as adjusted. It is about 12 simple equations which can be easily applied if there are available
daily (and more accurate hourly) data.




How to Cite

Δημολιάτης Γ., Μπαλτζής Σ., & Κατσουγιαννόπουλος Β. (1999). Προδρομική διόρθωση μηνιαίων δεδομένων σε δεδομένα μηνών ίσης διάρκειας. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 49(1-4), 172–179. Retrieved from http://spoudai.org/index.php/journal/article/view/525